Currently N/A°F in San Diego (City Heights), California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 11:44 AM PST

City Heights Current and Past Featured Photos

Weather Sign Weather Sign: Volunteers place a sign marking the City Heights weather station at Ocean Discovery Institute's future home. Photo courtesy of Dennis Wood.
Rain Gauge Clog Rain Gauge Clog: Bird droppings in the City Heights rain gauge slowed down some recent rain recording. Photo courtesy of Dennis Wood.
Hawk's Nest Hawk's Nest: A large nest owned by a pair of Cooper's Hawks sits in this eucalyptus tree, 100 feet above Manzanita Canyon. Photo courtesy of Dennis Wood.
Cooper's Hawk Cooper's Hawk: One bird of a nesting pair in the eucalyptus trees above Manzanita Canyon. Photo courtesy of Dennis Wood.
Local Weather Local Weather: A new weather station will capture the climate at Ocean Discovery Institute's future Living Lab in City Heights. Photo courtesy of John Toman.

The San Diego (City Height), California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. City Heights is a San Diego community, located east of Balboa Park, near Interstate 15
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