Current Weather for Southern California Communities
Monday, February 10, 2025 2:25 AM PST

WeatherCurrents On Your Mobile Phone

All of's local weather sites are available on your mobile phone and on certain other wireless devices. An abbreviated form of the site, including current conditions and the three-day forecast, can be accessed from any newer cell phone with wireless internet service. You can check the weather from your car, when away on travel, or about town. Wireless internet is provided by nearly all mobile service providers, including AT&T Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, T-Mobile, Nextel, Sprint PCS, and others as well.

Directions for use are different for each provider and we don't currently have instructions for all providers and phones. Here are the general steps required:

  1. First, get into the mini browser (sometimes called wireless internet or web) section on your phone.
  2. In the first or second page you see, scroll down until you see a goto: or Go To URL: entry.
  3. Accept this entry with your OK or YES button.
  4. Type in for the site name to load.
  5. Press the OK or YES button once more to load the mobile site into your phone.

All of our sites are invidually selectable from the main page. Once there, bookmark the page so you can easily come back!

If you have connected successfully to with your phone, please let us know! Also, we'd appreciate knowing about any problems you might have. We will post instructions here for each provider. The mobile site has currently been tested with Sprint PCS Vision, Sprint PCS Wireless Web and Nextel.

Instructions available:

If you are not sure you phone supports wireless internet, check with your provider. Any late model phone that accepts the WML (Wireless Markup Language) standard can view WeatherCurrents Mobile. WML page are one kind of web pages for your phone.

Don't have an internet enabled mobile phone and curious about WeatherCurrents mobile? You can use an WML emulator on the web to view the mobile pages. Just type in to see the contents of the mobile site.

WeatherCurrents provides near-real time local weather, news and features in Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino and Ventura counties, in Southern California.
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