Currently N/A°F in Simi Valley, California, USA
N/A°F Alert
57°F / 57°F
Friday, February 7, 2025 4:02 AM PST
Simi Valley Forecast Summary
Today Tomorrow Sunday
Rain, Mostly cloudy Mostly sunny Sunny
Rain, Mostly cloudy   Mostly sunny   Sunny
High: 59°F High: 63°F High: 65°F
Low: 52°F Low: 41°F Low: 45°F
Currently in Simi Valley
Alert Warning: Current weather report out of date

Temperature, Humidity, Wind & Pressure

Time:  4:02 AM PST
Temperature:  N/A
Normal Temperature 52°F
Relative Humidity:  N/A
Dewpoint:  N/A°F
Heat Index:  N/A°F
Wind Chill:  N/A°F
Wind:  N/A
Gusts:  N/A
Barometer:  N/APressure Change N/A

Sunrise & Sunset

Sunrise Sunset Daylight
Today: 6:41 AM 5:25 PM 10:44
Tomorrow: 6:40 AM 5:26 PM 10:46
30 Day Sunrise and Sunset Almanac

Extreme Temperatures

Today Time Normal Last Year
High: 57°F 12:00 AM 68°F 56°F
Low: 57°F 12:01 AM 48°F 42°F


60 Min. Today Month Season
0.00" 0.00" 0.79" 2.33"
Season began July 1, 2024
Past Season Precipitation Totals
Data captured from a Peet Bros. Ultimeter 2100
Local Weather Roundup
Simi Valley:
* Weather report not current
Simi Valley Forecast
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Alert Forecast not current

Rain will overspread the area tonight along with gusty winds. Wednesday will be wet, with rain tapering off overnight. Thursday will bring only a chance of rain during the day, but a second storm will likely bring rain to the entire area Thursday night into Friday. The weekend currently looks dry. Below normal temperatures are on tap for the rest of the week with some warming over the weekend.

Today: Mostly cloudy and breezy. 60 percent chance of rain in the afternoon , high near 61°F .

Pollen level is rated "medium-high".

Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 35 (for Simi Valley and Moorpark (courtesy of the VCAPCD)).

Tonight: Mostly cloudy and breezy. 100 percent chance of rain, low around 55°F.

Wednesday: Mostly cloudy. Cool and breezy. 100 percent chance of rain, high of about 59°F.

Wednesday night:Mostly cloudy. Light breezes. 40 percent chance of rain, low near 53°F.

Thursday: Mostly cloudy. 60 percent chance of rain, high around 60°F.

Thursday night: Mostly cloudy. 90 percent chance of rain, low of about 52°F.

Friday: Mostly cloudy and cool. 80 percent chance of rain, high near 59°F.

Friday night: Partly cloudy and cool, low around 41°F.

Saturday: Mostly sunny, high of about 63°F.

Saturday night: Mostly clear and cool, low near 45°F.

Sunday: Sunny, high around 65°F.

Sunday night: Partly cloudy and cool, low of about 44°F.

Monday: Sunny, high near 62°F.

Simi Valley forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.
Recently in Simi Valley
Date High Low Ave. Prec.
February 6 62°F 54°F 57°F 0.42"
February 5 60°F 51°F 56°F 0.27"
February 4 61°F 43°F 53°F 0.10"
February 3 71°F 46°F 56°F 0.00"
February 2 74°F 48°F 58°F 0.00"
February 1 71°F 43°F 55°F 0.00"
January 31 65°F 39°F 48°F 0.00"
More Past Weather
Simi Valley Featured Photos
Cloud Stream
Cloud Stream: As seen near the Santa Susana pass, from the 118 freeway. Photo courtesy of Gabe Medrano.
Simi Valley Weather News
Storm Totals: January 25th-27th, 2025

A cold low pressure system delivered much-needed rain and mountain snow to ...

Posted January 27, 2025, 10:21 PM
Other Weather Information

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