San Jacinto Forecast Summary
Currently in San Jacinto
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Data captured from a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro 2
Local Weather Roundup
San Jacinto:
* Weather report not
San Jacinto Forecast
Monday, January 13, 2025
Forecast not current
A wind advisory along with a Red Flag Warning, indicating high fire risk, is in place through Wednesday evening as we expect high winds and dry air to once again blow through the region. A frost advisory is also in place tonight into Tuesday morning. Expect our daytime high temperatures to remain on the cool side with high temperatures remaining in the low to mid 60s through the upcoming weekend at the very least. Nightly low temperatures will drop into the low to mid 30s for that same duration with frost likely in frost prone locations each morning. There remains no indication that any rain is headed our way in the forecast as this weather year remains drier than any on record, so far. Today: Sunny and very cool , high near 61°F . Pollen level is rated "medium". Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 53 (courtesy of the SCAQMD). Tonight: Mostly clear, windy and cold with frost possible after midnight, low around 32°F. Tuesday: Sunny, windy and cool, high of about 65°F. Tuesday night:Clear and cold, low near 36°F. Wednesday: Sunny and cool, high around 66°F. Wednesday night: Clear and cold, low of about 37°F. Thursday: Sunny and cool, high near 68°F. Thursday night: Clear and cold with frost possible after midnight, low around 33°F. Friday: Sunny and very cool, high of about 61°F. Friday night: Partly cloudy with patchy fog possible, low near 35°F. Saturday: Mostly sunny with increasing clouds and a slight chance of rain, high around 58°F. Saturday night: Partly cloudy and cold, low of about 34°F. Sunday: Mostly sunny and very cool, high near 61°F. San Jacinto forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.Recently in
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Full moon: The evening moon rises above Mountain View High School in San Jacinto. Photo courtesy of Denise Leonard.
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Hemet Station offline until power is restored
The Hemet Weather station went offline late Tuesday Evening due to SCE doin ... Posted January 8, 2025, 9:45 AMOther Weather Information
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