San Jacinto Forecast Summary
Currently in San Jacinto
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Data captured from a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro 2
Local Weather Roundup
San Jacinto:
* Weather report not
San Jacinto Forecast
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Forecast not current
A Red Flag warning, indicating dry, gusty Santa Ana winds that create a heightened fire danger, remains in place until early Wednesday morning. A little warmer today and Wednesday before cooler daytime temperatures are expected to the region Thursday and Friday. A little warmer again for the weekend with daytime temperatures rising to slightly above 'average' temperature for this time of year. Warm and dry weather will continue into at least the first half of next week. December, historically, delivers almost 1.5" of rain to the San Jacinto Valley, but so far we haven't received anything measurable. Today: Sunny, dry. Gusty winds in some areas , high near 68°F . Pollen level is rated "low-medium". Predicted air quality is moderate, AQI: 55 (courtesy of the SCAQMD). Tonight: Mostly clear and breezy, low around 39°F. Wednesday: Mostly sunny, high of about 72°F. Wednesday night:Partly cloudy and cool, low near 39°F. Thursday: Mostly sunny, high around 67°F. Thursday night: Partly cloudy and cool with patchy fog early. Some drizzle possible, low of about 39°F. Friday: Mostly sunny, high near 66°F. Friday night: Partly cloudy, low around 41°F. Saturday: Mostly sunny, high of about 72°F. Saturday night: Partly cloudy, low near 42°F. Sunday: Sunny, high around 72°F. Sunday night: Mostly clear, low of about 43°F. Monday: Mostly sunny, high near 73°F. San Jacinto forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.Recently in
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San Jacinto
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Full moon: The evening moon rises above Mountain View High School in San Jacinto. Photo courtesy of Denise Leonard.
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Weather News
November: Cooler than normal, but very dry
At all active WeatherCurrents stations and more broadly across California, ... Posted December 1, 2024, 11:45 PMOther Weather Information
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