There are two email list choices for those interested in Temecula Valley weather, or talking about the local weather with others. The WeatherCurrents email lists offer a unique local group of people interested in the weather and the area. Keep in touch with local weather via email! Subscribers should choose one list or the other since all messages to the announce list also go to the discussion list. Subscribing, unsubscribing, and subscription options are easily managed through the web links below.
Keep in touch with other people interested in Temecula weather through the Temecula Weather Email List. Discuss local weather happenings. Also get forecasts and other local weather information (including frost warnings and local weather alerts) in your email. Every message sent to this list is sent to all subscribers! Click here to subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options or view list archives.
Just want the forecasts, warnings, alerts and announcements without the discussion? Click here to subscribe, unsubscibe, or change your options for the announcements list. No posting is allowed to the Temecula Weather Announcements List.
Rules For All Lists
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