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Frequently Asked Questions

Updated July, 2007

Below are the questions that are asked the most about the Hemet site. Didn't find your question here? Try the Temecula F.A.Q. or Ask!

Where is the Hemet weather station located?
In Valle Vista, which is in eastern Hemet, southeast of the downtown area. The Hemet weather station is located adjacent to one of the hills in that area.
How variable are temperatures other areas of the Hemet and San Jacinto?
The variances can be wide. Hemet and the San Jacinto Valley have very diverse microclimates. The current weather station location is in an area that frequently experiences warmer mornings than much of the rest of the San Jacinto Valley. The station’s elevation is higher than most of the valley and is influenced by upslope air movement and winds that many other areas of the valley don’t experience.

For many people with backyard thermometers, they may notice large differences from our reported high and low temperatures. The Hemet and San Jacinto sites use calibrated, aspirated, solar shielded equipment and is designed to be put out in the open. Unshielded thermometers, car thermometers, and like equipment are much more inaccurate. Outdoor thermometers are to be sited at least six feet off the ground and at least 15 feet from any structure. Without solar shielding they are also to be placed in a shaded area with no more than 20% solar exposure at any time.

The Hemet station falls within ‘Normal’ for the Hemet and San Jacinto Valleys as per numerous quality assurance checks which take into account the diverse microclimates of the immediate area. Temperatures therefore, both highs and lows, are expected to vary, and we continue to try and provide the most accurate, overall weather outlook and conditions for the area.

How different is rainfall in other areas of the San Jacinto Valley?
Very different, and a lot of that depends on the location and terrain. For instance, the Hemet weather station often records more rain, on average, than many other places in Hemet or San Jacinto. This is due to its eastern location close to the foothills of the San Jacinto mountains. More westerly locations frequently get less rain, on average. But rainfall from any particular storm often varies widely.
Are there plans to establish other stations in the San Jacinto Valley?
Our San Jacinto weather station began operations in July, 2007.
What other online weather stations cover the San Jacinto Valley?
There are several (this may not be a complete list):
Is the air quality monitored in Hemet or San Jacinto?
The South Coast Air Quality Monitoring District is responsible for monitoring air quality in Riverside County. They don't have equipment in the San Jacinto Valley right now; the closest monitoring stations are in Perris and up in the pass area.

The fact that they don't have one in the area is a good thing. It means that there aren't significant air quality problems in Hemet and San Jacinto (at least relatively speaking).

The Hemet weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Hemet, California is located in the San Jacinto Valley, in western Riverside County, at the foot of the San Jacinto mountains.
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