Currently 47°F in Hemet, California, USA
49°F / 47°F
Monday, February 10, 2025 2:47 AM PST

Storm Totals: February 13th-14th, 2023

By Reginald Stanley. Posted February 19, 2023, 6:26 PM.

A cold low pressure system brought scattered showers to Southern California last week around Valentine's Day, along with isolated reports of graupel at some inland locations.

Storm totals were generally light, with periods of light showers occurring intermittently on the 13th and on the evening of the 14th. East Hemet received the highest total with 0.43 inches. French Valley, Anza and South Temecula all followed with totals between 0.2 and 0.3 inches. In Temecula Valley's Wine Country, 0.19 inches was reported along with graupel at 7 PM Tuesday (courtesy of Jim Sappington). WeatherCurrents' stations further north in Simi Valley and Pinon Hills were missed by the storm, with both locations failing to record any measurable precipitation from the event. Perris received the lowest measurable total in the WeatherCurrents network with 0.06 inches.

Already-cold temperatures Tuesday plunged even further and sharply Tuesday evening across many of the inland valleys, coinciding with reports of brief but heavy rainfall and graupel (graupel appearing to observers as soft hail or snow pellets, but is neither). In parts of the inland valleys, temperatures plunged from around 50 degrees to the low 40s in a span of only a few minutes, just as a band of precipitation quickly swept across the region. Where precipitation did fall, snow levels dropped variously to roughly 2500 feet above sea level.

Here are the rain totals for the WeatherCurrents network and associates:

Location Storm Season Source
East Hemet 0.43"  11.37"  WeatherCurrents
French Valley 0.28"  11.85"  WeatherCurrents
Anza 0.26"  11.71"  WeatherCurrents
South Temecula 0.21"  12.34"  WeatherCurrents
Temecula Valley Wine Country 0.19"  15.88"  Jim Sappington
Moreno Valley 0.14"  N/A WeatherCurrents
San Jacinto 0.14"  8.31"  WeatherCurrents
South Fallbrook 0.13"  13.30"  WeatherCurrents
Lake Elsinore 0.13"  15.34"  WeatherCurrents
Riverside (Orangecrest) 0.10"  N/A WeatherCurrents
Northwest Murrieta 0.09"  14.02"  WeatherCurrents
Central Murrieta 0.09"  11.75"  Reginald Stanley
Perris 0.06"  N/A WeatherCurrents
Simi Valley 0.00"  12.30"  WeatherCurrents
Pinon Hills 0.00"  8.65"  WeatherCurrents
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The Hemet weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Hemet, California is located in the San Jacinto Valley, in western Riverside County, at the foot of the San Jacinto mountains.
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