Currently 64°F in Hemet, California, USA
75°F / 49°F
Sunday, February 16, 2025 6:11 PM PST

First monsoonal thunderstorms of the summer shower region

Posted July 11, 2010, 9:50 PM.

Although no WeatherCurrents locations recorded rainfall on Sunday, raindrops fell in Temecula Sunday morning and another cloudburst fell on northeastern Murrieta in the afternoon.

The clouds, the first of the summer season, drifted west of the mountains in the morning, causing isolated showers, and dissipated later in the afternoon.

Michael Mojarro reported 20-25 minutes of rain and some minor street flooding in Murrieta, near Clinton Keith Road and Interstate 215. The rain fell around 2:30pm and caused some minor street flooding in the area. That location is about equidistant between WeatherCurrents rain gauges in Murrieta to the west and French Valley to the east.

The tallies were zero at all thirteen WeatherCurrents rain gauges on Sunday night.

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The Hemet weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Hemet, California is located in the San Jacinto Valley, in western Riverside County, at the foot of the San Jacinto mountains.
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