Currently 57°F in Hemet, California, USA
71°F / 42°F
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 7:55 PM PST

Hail falls in Temecula and Fallbrook Monday as part of windy, cold storm

By John C. Toman. Posted February 27, 2012, 5:47 PM.

As a cold winter storm arrived in full force Monday afternoon, hail was reported in the Central Temecula area and likely fell in other inland locations.

The pea-sized hail was mixed with a heavy shower at approximately 2:29pm.

Hail was also reported in Fallbrook.

Winds were also strong Monday afternoon, gusting to 40 mph in Hemet, 33 mph in Perris, 30 mph in Riverside, 28 mph in Temecula, and 27 mph in Murrieta.

A chance of thunderstorms and small hail is predicted through the evening hours. Snow levels Monday night are expected to fall to 2,500 feet.

Thanks to Jim Toman and R.C. Blankenhorn for the hail reports.

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The Hemet weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Hemet, California is located in the San Jacinto Valley, in western Riverside County, at the foot of the San Jacinto mountains.
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