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Wednesday, February 12, 2025 12:41 PM PST

2004 Temecula Weather Photos and Features

Editor's Note: Newer featured photos are available.

Above Harveston Sunrise Silhouette
Sunrise Silhouette: Light on the horizon from the rising sun in De Luz silhouettes avocado trees. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
De Luz Snow
Country Snow: Early morning snow whitens the hills of De Luz west of Temecula near Rancho California Road and Calle Capistrano. Photo courtesy of Sue Painter.
French Valley Snow
French Valley Snow: Sunday morning snow covers cars, lawns and roofs in this French Valley neighborhood. Photo courtesy of Tim Rider.
Snow Covered House
Snow White: Snowflakes continue to fall around this Temecula Valley wine country home. Photo courtesy of Terry Bleeker.
Aguanga Snow
Aguanga Snow: Shrubs are padded with snow at the Jojoba Hills SKP Resort in Aguanga, east of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Richard and Nancy Maisenbach.
Vineyard Snow
Vineyard Snow: A snow-covered vineyard in the Temecula Valley wine country, on Anza Road. Photo courtesy of J.R. Richardson.
Foothill Snow
Foothill Snow: Snow blankets the south foothills and the ground at Pauba Road and Highway 79 South. Photo courtesy of Mike Halderman.
Oak in Snow
Snow Oak: An oak tree stands in solitude on a snowy landscape near Highway 79 South. Photo courtesy of Mindy Van Dell.
Redhawk Snow
Redhawk Snow: Large snowflakes fall on a Redhawk neighborhood already white with Sunday snow. Photo courtesy of Jordan Blanchard.
South Mountain Snow
From Above: The snow-covered slopes of Agua Tibia, captured from a balloon above the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of California Dreamin' Balloon Adventures.
Wine Country Snow
Wine Country Snow: A panoramic view of the snowstorm's aftermath from the Temecula Valley wine country near East Benton Road. Photo courtesy of Ed Rios.
Red Sunrise
Red Sunrise: Early morning hues paint the clouds above the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of Anthony Jones.
Cloud Break
Cloud Break: Sunlight flows through a break in the clouds near the Meadowview area. Photo courtesy of Irene Turner.
November Rainbow
November Rainbow: A rainbow glistens above Temecula rooftops as seen from Paloma del Sol during recent showers. Photo courtesy of Robin Ellis.
Creek View
Creek View: Water meanders through a tributary of the Santa Gertrudis Creek in northern Temecula after the recent storms. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro.
Mirror View
Mirror View: Reflected off a glass building, the American flag and snow-topped mountains glisten. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Mountain Storm
Mountain Storm: Rainclouds spread to Agua Tibia mountain past the Tower Plaza during the recent October rains. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Mountain Snow
Mountain Snow: The San Bernardino mountain tops glisten with October snow in this scene from the Redhawk area. Photo courtesy of Jim Purpura.
Creek Flow
Storm Aftermath: Significant water runs in Murrieta Creek near Old Town Temecula for the first time in a few Octobers. Photo courtesy of Ed Hannigan.
Wine Country Mist
Oak mist: Sunlight breaks through the mist onto an oak tree and granite studded hillside in the Temecula Valley wine country. Photo courtesy of Terry Bleeker.
October Storm
October Storm: Rainclouds fill the southern Temecula Valley sky after the region received a drenching. Photo courtesy of Charlene Spell.
Hot Rod Festival
Hot Rod: A classic hot rod gets a police escort into old town at the start of the Temecula Fall Car Show and Old Town Cruise. Photo courtesy of Ed Hannigan.
Sunset Sentinels Painting
Original Painting: A previous featured photo ("Sunset Sentinels"), taken from the Redhawk area near Wolf Valley Road this past August, is reborn as a painting by Peggy Fader.
Mountain Thundershower
Mountain Thundershower: A shower dumps water at the corner of state routes 371 and 74, east of Anza. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro.
Water Reloading
Water Reloading: A fire helicopter prepares to replenish its water supply while fighting the Morales Fire. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro.
Western Sunset
Sunset Sentinels: Pine trees stand guard over a recent Temecula sunset. Photo courtesy of Stan Fader.
Thunderhead Hues
Thunderhead Hues: An ominous thunderhead shaded in sunset colors rises over a Temecula neighborhood. Photo courtesy of John Michaelson.
Summer Downpour
Summer Downpour: Rain from a recent thunderstorm dances off the streets and sidewalks in northeastern Temecula. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro.
Framed Thunderhead
Above the Clouds: Some foothills in the northeastern Temecula wine country rise above a morning fog bank. Photo courtesy of Ian Fawn-Meade.
Framed Thunderhead
Framed Thunderhead: A thunderhead to the east looms through the grapevines in the hills west of Temecula, Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Sunrise Rays
Sunrise Rays: Beams of light stretch through the clouds in this recent Temecula sunrise. Photo courtesy of Nate Wren.
Fog Shroud
Fog Shroud: Morning fog hugs the hills west of Temecula, as seen from the former site of the old Rancho California Airport near Rancho California Road and Diaz. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Summer at the Duck Pond
Duck Pond: Droplets of water from the duck pond fountain glisten in the afternoon sun. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Aguanga Thundershower
Aguanga Thundershower: Heavy rain from an isolated thundershower bounces off an Aguanga street east of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro.
Red Moon
Moon Shot: The moon rises blood red over Temecula as seen through through the smoke of the Pala fire. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Fireworks Show
Fireworks Show: A blue and white fireworks burst fills the sky over the Temecula Valley on Independence Day, 2004. Photo courtesy of Ed Hannigan.
Pechanga Fireworks
Pechanga Fireworks: Fireworks illuminate the night sky above the Pechanga Casino July 3rd during their annual fireworks show. Photo courtesy of Jim Turner.
Pala Fire
Pala Smoke: Smoke from the Pala wildfire drifts across the Temecula Valley sky, in this photo from Rancho California Road. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Morning Valley
Morning Valley: An early morning view of the Temecula Valley, from atop Rancho California Road looking east. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Sunny Bees
Spring Buzz: The smoke is gone, the fog has lifted and the bees are on the sunflowers along De Luz Road. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Smoke Plume
Smoke Plume: The Eagle Fire as seen from Glen Oaks hills in the Temecula Valley Wine Country. Photo courtesy of Heather Storms.
Day Smoke
Day Smoke: Smoke from the Eagle Fire sweeps westward across the Temecula Valley, in this evening view from up on Rancho California Road. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Night Rage
Night Rage: Twin columns of flame and smoke from the Eagle Fire burn beyond the city, below the passing moon. Photo courtesy of Jim Turner.
Eagle Fire
Firefighters: A sunset-silhouetted fire truck makes its way to the Eagle Fire southeast of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro.
Fire Drop
Smoldering Foothills: A fire helicopter speeds its watery payload across hills blackened in the Eagle Fire. Photo courtesy of Ann-Britt Murchison.
West Hills Sunset
West Hills Sunset: Wispy clouds turn orangish hues at sunset in the hills west of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Blooming Bougainvilla: Spring brings deep red blossoms to this hilltop overlooking De Luz canyon. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Road Mist
Road Mist: Post-rain mists rise from Rancho California Road on the ridgeline west of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Above the Fog
Fog Blanket: The hills bordering Camp Pendleton rise up out of the morning fog above De Luz Canyon, west of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
March Moonrise: The full moon shines at dusk over the Plaza Tower in central Temecula. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Sandia Creek Flooding
Muddy Creek: Rainwater in Sandia Creek surges over one of many creek crossings on De Luz Road west of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Avocado Mist
Morning Mist: The morning mist clings to the avocado groves along Sandia Creek in the hills west of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Cloudy Valley
Valley of Clouds: Advancing clouds encroach on the Temecula Valley, casting a shadow on a lone pine tree in this northwest view from Redhawk. Photo courtesy of Stan Fader.
Morning Crow
Sunrise Flight: A solitary crow wings to work as a golden sunrise backlights the avocado groves in the hills west of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Spring Comes Early
February Flowers: Spring's come early to this eager, flowering tree on Ynez Road. Photo courtesy of Brian Balka.\
Winter at the Duck Pond
Lazy Winter Morning: February looks just like July as coots paddle by the fountain at the Temecula Duck Pond. Photo courtesy of Darryl Medley.
Fog Obscures Harveston Lake
Evening Blur: Dense fog obscures the artificially created Harveston lake one recent night in northern Temecula. Photo courtesy of Phong Nguyen.
Snow on Mt. San Jacinto
Snow Peak: Mt. San Jacinto blanketed in snow, as it often is in winter, captured recently from Temecula. Photo courtesy of Bob Hagel.

The Temecula weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Temecula, California is located in the Temecula Valley, in southwestern Riverside County, along the Interstate 15 highway. The Temecula Valley's rolling hills are home to the Temecula wine country, vineyards, golf courses, a casino resort, and Old Town Temecula.
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