Currently 53°F in Temecula, California, USA
73°F / 43°F
Monday, February 17, 2025 11:11 PM PST

Temecula Weather Photos and Features

Editor's Note: Newer featured photos are available.

Distant Lightning
Distant Lightning: Lightning flashes in the distance, at the south end of the Temecula Valley, as seen from Glenoak Hills. Photo courtesy of Dennis Kitchel.
Storm Glow
Sunset Glow: A narrow band of storm clouds glows at sunset at it traverses the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of Markus Nixon.
Sunset Front
Sunset Front: A cloud formation glows red and orange in the setting sun, as seen from the Redhawk area. Photo courtesy of Greg Turbeville.
Night Blitz
Night Blitz: Multiple early morning lightning strikes wreaked havoc on the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of Kevin Popeney.
Sky Crackle
Sky Crackle: Lightning arcs wildly through the early morning sky. Photo courtesy of Eric Kazakoff.
Lightning Strike
Lightning Strike: Trees frame the fragments of a lightning strike in the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of Daniel Brincat.
Hanging Around
Hanging Around: A large spider prepares for prey in the Silverhawk area. Photo courtesy of Tom Shields.
Twilight Glow
Twilight Glow: The glow of the evening highlights the palms from above Palm Plaza in Temecula. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Bobcat Family
Bobcat Family: A mother bobcat and her cubs hang out in Glenoak Hills front yard. Photo courtesy of Dennis Kitchel.
Fire Season
Fire Season: This fire in southeastern Temecula along Temecula Creek was quickly doused. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Morning Breakthrough
Morning Breakthrough: Sunlight streaks through the morning clouds over eastern Temecula, as seen from Rancho California Road. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Local Catch
Local Catch: A Lake Skinner striper bass, caught by Tracy Sleeper over Labor Day weekend. Photo courtesy of Eric Pettner.
Afternoon Rays
Afternoon Rays: Sun rays burst through high clouds in this view from Butterfield Stage Road. Photo courtesy of Jerry Montante.
Rest Stop
Refueling Stop: A hot air balloon refuels in Paseo Del Sol. Photo courtesy of Julie Mitchell.
Big Pond
Big Pond: Harveston Lake provides plenty of breathing room for this solitary duck. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Aguanga Lightning
Aguanga Lightning: A lightning strike near Aguanga was part of unstable remnants of Hurricane Emily that passed through Riverside County. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro,
Early Lightning
Early Lightning: Early morning lightning crackles southwest of the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of John Michaelson.
Morning Thunderclouds
Morning Thunderclouds: The sun blazes through an early morning thundercloud canopy over the Temecula Valley. Photo courtesy of California Dreamin' Balloon Adventures.
Old Town Parade
Old Town Parade: A Little Miss America waves a flag in the Independence Day parade in Old Town Temecula. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Rose Haven
Rose Haven: A red rose at the rose haven in Temecula, operated by the Temecula Valley Rose Society. Photo courtesy of Joe Bennett.
Aspiring Pilot
Aspiring Pilot: Seven year old Sabastian launches his airplane into the blue at the new Harveston sports park in Temecula. Photo courtesy of Joe Bennett.
Aerial Flag
Aerial Flag: This Independence Day flag flies from a balloon over the Temecula Valley vineyards. Photo courtesy of California Dreamin' Balloon Adventures.
Independence Day Balloons
Morning Flight: Temecula Valley balloons mark Independence Day with a patriotic morning flight. Photo courtesy of California Dreamin' Balloon Adventures.
Blooming Cactus
Blooming Cactus: Prickly pear cactus bloom bountifully in La Cresta. Photo courtesy of Gary P. Mineo.
Gourd Festival
Gourd Festival: Plentiful gourds from the annual festival in De Luz that celebrates gourd artistry with food, music and dance. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Low Cruising
Low Cruisin': A morning surprise outside the back window for a sleepy Temecula resident. Photo courtesy of Joe Bennett.
May Balloon
Sunday Ride: A ride through the trees on a seasonal, overcast Sunday morning near Silverhawk. Photo courtesy of Tom Shields.
Harvest Time
Harvest Time: Ripe avocados, the Temecula area's other major crop, await harvest in De Luz. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Receding Clouds
Receding Clouds: Remnants from the latest storm leave De Luz, bringing the welcome return of warmth and sun. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Shopping Mecca
Shopping Mecca: The Promenade in Temecula shopping mall, as see from a radio-controlled aircraft above. Photo courtesy of Joe Bennett.
Crimson Sun
Crimson Sun: The setting sun illuminates scattered clouds from a recent storm, from Glenoak Hills east of Temecula. Photo courtesy of W. Reeder.
Fair Shake
Fair Shake: A playful cat and dog, Otis and Coby, paw at each other in a backyard near Winchester and Murrieta Hot Springs Roads. Photo courtesy of Eric Pettner.
Sage Wildflowers
Sage Wildflowers: Wildflowers of orange and purple carpet rolling hills and the San Jacinto foothills near Sage, east of Temecula. Photo courtesy of Jerri Cummings.
Harveston Rainbow
Harveston Rainbow: A rainbow arcs into the sky from a rain-soaked Harveston neighborhood in northern Temecula. Photo courtesy of Anthony Reiter.
Silverhawk Sunset
Silverhawk Sunset: Red sky marks sundown near Winchester and Murrieta Hot Springs Roads. Photo courtesy of Tom Shields.
Adobe House
Adobe House: An old house on a hill near Lake Skinner is reminiscent of a midwest scene. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Car Show
Old Timer: This classic car shines at the 2005 "Good Old Days Car Show" in Old Town Temecula. Photo courtesy of Eric Pettner.
Painted Lady
Painted Lady: A butterfly spreads its wings near Lake Skinner in the Temecula Valley wine country. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Twin Balloons
Twin Balloons: Two balloons in flight at the edge of the Temecula Valley wine country. Photo courtesy of Van Le.
Temecula Lightning
Lightning Show: A lightning strike from the recent thunderstorm was captured from Highway 79 South. Photo courtesy of Carlos Fimbres.
Valley Hills
Valley Hills: The hills of the northeastern Temecula Valley are a beautiful deep green in this ballon view. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Lake Skinner
Lake Overview: Clouds darken the waters of Lake Skinner in the Temecula Valley wine country, from a balloon above. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Leaving Vineyard
Winter Vineyard: A balloon floats above one the Temecula Valley wine country vineyards, taken from another balloon above. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Downed Oaks
Downed Oaks: These oak trees near the fifth hole at the Temecula Creek Golf Course were snapped in half by a tornado. Photo courtesy of Ed Healy.
Water Tower Damage
Water Tower Tumble: Small water towers tumbled downhill in Rainbow during the tornado, flattening a fence and damaging a car. Photo courtesy of Marjie Preston.
Sunset Reflection
Sunset Reflection: The colors of evening overtake this row of homes overlooking the Redhawk Golf Course. Photo courtesy of Jeff Ornellas.
Vineyard Flowers
Vineyard Flowers: Wildflowers color the Callaway Winery vineyards, which seem to stretch to the horizon in the Temecula Valley wine country. Photo courtesy of James Sappington.
Tornado Damage
Tornado Damage: A felled fence in this Rainbow Canyon neighborhood was typical of the damage pattern of the tornado.
Uprooted Tree
Uprooted Tree: Thirty seconds of tornado was enough to uproot this sixty foot pine tree and the concrete sidewalk next to it.
Tornado Cleanup
Tornado Cleanup: City of Temecula Public Works employees make quick work of a tree blocking a street in the Rainbow Canyon neighborhood in the aftermath of a tornado.
Cleanup Continues
Cleanup Continues: Efforts are underway to reopen Via Montezuma across Murrieta Creek in Temecula after storm damage. Photo by Dave Norton.
Pala Road Repaired
Road Repaired: This section of Pala Road over Pechanga Creek reopened after being destroyed in the early January storms.
Scenic View
Scenic View: A vivid panorama from the Redhawk Golf Course, including local hills, a balloon and snow on San Gorgonio. Photo courtesy of Robert J. Navarro.
Creek Flow
Creek Flow: Fast water ignores rock and sand and undercuts the banks of Sandia Creek in De Luz near Camaron Road. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Clear and Cool
Clear and Cool: The recently dusted San Bernardino Mountains overlook southern Temecula after the storms have passed, as seen from atop Rancho California Road. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Balloon over Wine Country
Balloon Glide: The Re/Max hot air balloon flies over the Temecula Valley wine country. Photo courtesy of Joe Bennett,
Downed Palm
Downed Palm: Many trees such as this one were unable to withstand the rain and wind of the recent storms. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro.
Pechanga Creek Flood Waters
Pala Road Destroyed: Pechanga Creek claims a large chunk of Pala Road just south of Great Oak High School in Temecula.
Road Clearing
Road Clearing: A CalTrans tractor works to keep Highway 79 South clear after storms caused mudslides.
El Prado Flooding
Flooded Sandtrap: Ducks make use of a sandtrap flooded by recent rains at the Temeku Hills Country Club. Photo courtesy of Garnett Lohrey.
El Prado Flooding
El Prado Flood: Near Sandia Creek Road in De Luz, work crews attend to a buckled road bed, flooded by recent rains. Photo courtesy of Sheldon Otto.
Pot O' Gold
Pot O' Gold: A rainbow between showers in De Luz appears to dump the last of its summer colors into oranges. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
2004 Photos and Features
Older Featured Photos (2001-2003)

The Temecula weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Temecula, California is located in the Temecula Valley, in southwestern Riverside County, along the Interstate 15 highway. The Temecula Valley's rolling hills are home to the Temecula wine country, vineyards, golf courses, a casino resort, and Old Town Temecula.
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